The deadline for publication is the 12th of each month, so please send any contributions to

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In January 2019, The Parish News celebrates its 50th Year of publication, the first copy being printed in January 1969. Pat Ayres had every copy of this magazine and they are now being housed/stored in the Kemble church Belfry on the first floor.



The cost for EACH block advertisement in the Thameshead Parish News is as follows:

£80.00 for a full (A4) page

£40.00 for half page

£20.00 for quarter page

£10.00 for 1/8 page

£5.00 for 1/16th page

We include advertisements quarterly in March, June, September and December. The deadline for entry is 12th of the month prior to the advertisement going in the Parish News

Invoices are sent out at the end of the year

Circulation is 425

Advert to be submitted preferably in PDF format; otherwise in Word